What is DNA testing?
DNA testing is a complex scientific process that is the most precise and definitive method available for determining relationships between people. Everyone is born with their own genetic blueprint known as DNA. Every child inherits a unique mixture of DNA from their parents, therefore, no two people in the world have the same genetic code except for identical twins. Due to this fact, DNA identification provides a conclusive way to determine biological relationships. Consequently, DNA typing has become the most accepted method of proving (or discounting) a family relationship.
How does DNA testing work?
A qualified member of DTL will take a buccal swab from each customer wishing to be tested. During this process a sterile mouth swab will be rubbed gently and painlessly, for 20 seconds, on the inside of both sides of your mouth to collect a sample of buccal (cheek) cells. This is a simple, non-invasive method which uses the same force as you would use to brush your teeth.
How long will the test take?
DTL produces standard reports within 3 working days from when we receive the samples in our laboratory. A qualified member of DTL will take a buccal swab from each customer wishing to be tested. This sample will be passed directly to our laboratory. The DNA test will begin when our laboratory receives the sample.
What age can a child be tested?
A child can be tested at any age after birth. Using mouth swabs makes the testing of children safe and painless.
Does the mother need to be tested in a paternity test?
It is possible to perform a DNA Paternity test without testing the mother. However, the results will be more conclusive if the mother is also tested.
Is the DNA test accurate?
The DNA test is used to determine whether individuals are related, therefore the test will: prove 100 % that the individuals tested are not related (exclusion) demonstrate a 99.999 % confidence level or probability that the individuals are related or are a parent of the child tested (inclusion).